Thousands of devices and applications used by corporate users generate an endless amount of data. However, mountains of data do not always provide valuable information. If you want to take the best from data, it is necessary to know what are your looking for. What...
Managing digital threats is a growing priority for all businesses. Private network defense systems use diverse techniques to identify and prevent violations and recognition activities in a private ecosystem. There are two types of system: Intrusion Detection (IDS) and...
Denial of Service (DoS) attacks are designed to make a server unavailable by blocking the execution of tasks. They are more common to WEB servers, but with no delivery of malicious loads. In effect, they consist of directing a volume of access requests that are larger...
For cybercrime, private accounts protected by authentication keys are valuable sources of information. Email services, banking applications, e-commerce portals and social networks, for example, gain attention from attackers based on information that can be exploited...
Exploit is a sequence of commands, data or a piece of software created by programmers to search for potential system vulnerabilities Good digital security practices are basic to keep sensitive data and information away from cybercriminals. Do not click on links or do...