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What is Cross-site Scripting (XSS)?

What is Cross-site Scripting (XSS)?

Cross-site Scripting (XSS) is a type attack that injects malicious code in web applications, ranked among the top vulnerabilities in OWASP Top 10 2017. For example, an attacker takes advantage of a given vulnerability on a website trusted by their visitors to install...
Put up your defenses against botnets

Put up your defenses against botnets

What is a Botnet? Botnets are networks of devices with data processing capability, controlled by malicious individuals or groups to promote unwanted or cybercriminal activities. In general, botnets integrate thousands of contaminated devices, which promote malicious...
Build barriers against DNS attacks

Build barriers against DNS attacks

DNS (Domain Name System) servers make it easier to browse the internet every day because they translate nominal addresses (ex.: websites) into IP addresses, which are much simpler for most users to remember. Picture having to save 15 different numeric combinations to...
Blockbit Introduces the SD-WAN 2.0 Solution

Blockbit Introduces the SD-WAN 2.0 Solution

Integrated with Blockbit Platform 2.0, the new version of the platform also offers enhanced network management features and zero-touch functionality, which allows for a completely remote configuration. Blockbit, a global cybersecurity product company, presents its...