Ever heard of the Man-in-the-middle attack? This type of attack allows criminals to monitor communications, capturing data from innocent people, who may have amounts from their bank accounts deposited for the scammers. And know that your organization and employees may...
With the transformation of corporate environments due to the pandemic, companies are reviewing their business strategies, including how they deploy and manage their devices. Zero Touch Provisioning technology has emerged to facilitate this process. Zero Touch...
3 Practices to Protect Your Business from Cyber Attacks According to the Global Risk Report 2022, conducted annually by Zurich, the University of Singapore and Oxford, cyber risks are on the list of the top 10 global threats in the short and medium term. Therefore,...
Digital attacks and threats are becoming increasingly sophisticated, creating a critical challenge for maintaining satisfactory levels of protection in IT environments. The ever-decreasing cost of hardware, increased processing power, and the development of complex...
New security features are constantly being developed by the industry with the aim of protecting corporate environments and assets. However, the firewall remains one of the fundamental controls for any effective network security strategy. If you’re in the process...