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Server hacking. Leakage of sensitive data. Blocking access to information. Ransom demands. A number of problems can occur when experiencing a cyberattack.

With that in mind, in this article we have elaborated the main actions to take to regain control of your business in the event of a digital attack.

Read also: What is a Ransomware attack and how does it work?

Notify IT immediately

Immediately contact IT if you notice anything suspicious on your network or device. Be on the lookout for signs such as slow processing of one or more devices, abnormal network behaviors, slow internet connection, loss of control of systems by users, among others. In this way, it will be possible to contain and control possible damage.

File a Police Report

Many people don’t know, but cyberattacks can also be reported to the appropriate authorities. Several Brazilian states already have departments within the Civil Police dedicated exclusively to digital crimes.

Another tip is to make a complaint through the SaferNet portal, an NGO that offers a service for receiving anonymous reports of crimes and violations against Human Rights on the Internet. Among the categories available for reporting are child pornography, racism, lgbtphobia, animal abuse, among others.

Change (all!) your passwords

Another important action to take is to change (all!) your passwords, including email, social networks, corporate systems, among others.

When exchanging, use strong passwords, which include letters, numbers, and special characters, in addition to totaling at least 8 digits. It is also recommended to use two-factor authentication whenever possible.

Read also: Two-Factor Authentication: What Is It and Why Should You Use It?

Activate the backup equipment

It is essential to restore business services with agility after suffering a cyberattack. As restoration can take hours or even weeks,  it is recommended to have backup equipment for the most critical work processes. In addition to hindering staff productivity, downtime can seriously impact the company’s finances.

Review your Cybersecurity strategy

Continuous security prevention is critical to preventing cyber incidents from occurring in your business.

Therefore, it is very important to keep your systems always up to date, apply information security policies in your company and educate your employees about the best practices for safe and conscious use of the network.


With more than 5,000 clients, Blockbit is one of the leading manufacturers of cybersecurity solutions, empowering businesses to protect themselves against a wide range of threats, vulnerabilities, and cyberattacks, whether internal or external, generic or specific.